General terms of use of the site
The fact of browsing on the site implies for the user the acceptance without restriction of the following general terms of use.

Content : To register its campsite on the site, each campsite has completed a form describing its facilities, services, activities etc. Each campsite is responsible for the information provided in the descriptive form. The campsite must update its information regularly. The SARL Campingo does not guarantee the exactness of the descriptive information of the campsites. It is not responsible for the content provided by the campsites. The user recognizes to be informed that the campsite descriptions can contain errors or inexact information. The user is strongly recommended to check the exactness and the topicality of the information directly with the campsite. The user alone is completely responsible for the use of the information available on this site, he assumes all the consequences that can result of, without that SARL Campingo can be sought for it, and without action against the latter. The SARL Campingo can not be held responsible for any damage of any kind resulting from the interpretation or use of the information available on this site.

Intellectual property : The trademark Campingo, the general structure of the site, its texts, data and images are the property of SARL Campingo. The photographs furnished by the campsites are the property of their author. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total use of the contents and the services proposed by the site, by any means, is strictly forbidden.

Access to the site : The SARL Campingo seeks to offer a permanent access to the site, subject to possible breakdowns, maintenance operations or other events beyond its control. This permanent access is not guaranteed. The SARL Campingo will not be liable in case of impossibilty to access to this site and/or use of the services or deteriorated access to this site and/or use of the services. The SARL Campingo may need to stop the publishing of this site without right to compensation.

Hyperlinks : The site contains hyperlinks to other websites. When you follow these links, you leave the site

Modification terms of use : The SARL Campingo reserves the right to modify, at any moment and without notice, the present terms of use.

Applicable law : The site and these general terms of use are ruled by the French law, regardless of the place of use. In the event of a dispute, and after the failure of all attempts to achieve a friendly solution, the French courts alone will be competent to judge the dispute.